How to Verify Visa Cards (VbV)

All Visa Cards in Nigeria are protected with Verified by Visa (VbV). It is required that the card be enrolled to make payments online. To enroll Visa cards issued by Nigerian Banks, follow the steps below:
  1. Locate a nearest VISA/VPAY enabled ATM
  2. Insert your card and punch in your PIN
  3. Select the Change PIN option
  4. Select the Internet PIN (i-PIN) change option
  5. Insert any four - six digits of your choice as your iPIN
  6. Re-enter the digits entered in Step 5 above
If you have performed the above steps correctly, a message will be displayed informing you that your iPIN was changed successfully. This means that your card is now enrolled in the VbV (Verified by Visa) program and can now be used for internet transactions. Note that the word ‘iPIN’ , ‘Password’ and VbV code are the same.

You can now make payments securely online with your VbV/iPIN using your Card.
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