 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Refund can only be given to new customers (not previously subscribed to GigaLayer) who use a...

 How to Change Product/Service Ownership

There are times when you may need to change the ownership of a domain or hosting account. This is...

 How to Upgrade a Service

Log in to Core Navigate to Services > My Services Click on the Service you...

 How to Verify Visa Cards (VbV)

All Visa Cards in Nigeria are protected with Verified by Visa (VbV). It is required that the card...

 I have made payment but my account is still PENDING!

Online payments should automatically process and activate your hosting accounts for shared...

 International Wire Transfer

For international payments to GigaLayer, please find below the swift details. Correspondent...

 What is invoice status: Collections?

An invoice is set to Collections mode when the payment for it has been sent to us but we are yet...